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The Importance of Routines During Times of Uncertainty

COVID-19 has disrupted our normal lives. And while we can’t control the pandemic, we CAN control our own actions. Continuing to follow a “normal” routine is the best way to stay on track with our health and nutrition when life throws us a curveball.

The Importance of Routines During Times of Uncertainty

COVID-19 has disrupted our normal lives. And while we can’t control the pandemic, we CAN control our own actions. Continuing to follow a “normal” routine is the best way to stay on track with our health and nutrition when life throws us a curveball.

Success Story: Melissa Langan

“I love being stopped and having people tell me how great I look. My confidence in myself has grown by leaps and bounds. I am not at my final goal yet, but I am confident that this program, these coaches will get me to where I want to be, and be there to help maintain my end results.”

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